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Poetry Across Frontiers

an index of correspondence





Kojo Baffoe
Johannesburg, South Africa

letter of introduction


Garland Thompson
Monterey, California, USA

letter of introduction


Kojo Baffoe
Johannesburg, South Africa

clarification of intent; call for comments


Jim Andrews
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

links and advice on electronic poetry


Kojo Baffoe
Johannesburg, South Africa

thanks and a statement on poetry and new media in Africa


Kurt Heintz
Chicago, Illinois, USA

on cultivating growth through broadening audiences, and identifying cultural imperialism


John Paul O'Neill
London, England

on respecting local prerogatives, and averting cultural imperialism


Kojo Baffoe
Johannesburg, South Africa

an African perspective, and corroboration of cultural imperialism's effects


Paul Nelson
Seattle, Washington, USA

on writers' prerogatives, American pop culture, and slam's negative effects


Kojo Baffoe
Johannesburg, South Africa

reflections on slam poetry, theme and local variations


John Paul O'Neill
London, England

what slam is good for, perhaps in spite of itself


Heather Haley
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

on why people, Canadians in particular, do not embrace slam poetry


Jim Andrews
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

corroboration of above letter, and the question of the local prerogatives of slam poetry


Kurt Heintz, Chicago, USA

on the qualities of slam, local versus national, and the evolution of performance poetry

Return to introduction.

The correspondents:

  • Kojo Baffoe is a poet, performer and producer in South Africa, whose work will be seen on Monsta Funk.
  • Garland Thompson is a California Slam master, performance poet and MC who was seen and heard weekly on Radio Free Monterey.
  • Jim Andrews is a hypermedia and sound artist working in the Puget Sound region, who publishes Visual Poetry
  • Kurt Heintz is a writer, performance poet, and media artist, and founder of this very organization, the e-poets network.
  • John Paul O'Neill a teacher, performance poet, and is London's leading slam poetry producer through Farrago Poetry.
  • Paul Nelson is a spoken word artist, workshop leader, and broadcaster in the Seattle-Tacoma area, founder of the Northwest Spokenword Lab.
  • Heather Haley is a writer, new media artist, advisor to the Canada Council, and founder of Vancouver's Edgewise ElectroLit Centre. copyright © 1999-2016 e-poets network
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